Deparment of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy
Main Fields of Research:
- Pflant research with a molecular, biochemical, phylogenetic/systematic, or ecological orientation
- Neurobiology/behavior, behavior and learning processes of humans and other animals
- Biodiversity and ecology, ecosystems
- Organismic research in zoology and botany
- Genome-based evolution and biodiversity
- Molecular basic research of genes, proteins, including their three-dimensional structure
- Membranes and membrane interfacial processes and their control of central life processes such as learning and memory in animals and plants
- Biochemistry and relationship to pharmacy
- Supramolecular architectures at biological interfaces
- Molecular research, stereoselective and macromolecular synthesis
- Biomedical research, medical biochemistry, and structural biochemistry
- Nanoscale functional materials, nanotechnology
- Function and chemical reactivity
- Innovative active agents of synthetic and natural origin and innovative delivery systems for drugs
- Computer-aided drug design
- Pharmaceutical analysis and bioanalysis
- Reconstruction of human organs for alternatives to animal testing in biomedical research and systems biological pharmacometrics
- Nanoscale systems for drug delivery and their toxicological properties
- Health research
Involvement in Multidisciplinary Research Areas:
- Fundamentals of biomedicine
- Human-environment interaction
- Health and quality of life
- Materials research
- Complex systems