Max Planck Prizes since 1990
The Max Planck Research Prize for International Cooperation is awarded jointly by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Max Planck Society for outstanding, internationally recognized scientific or scholarly achievements.
Since 1990, seven scientists and scholars of Freie Universitaet Berlin have received the Max Planck Research Prize for International Cooperation.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Möbius Field: Experimental PhysicsYear: 1992 Prof. Dr. Emo Welzl Field: Computer Studies
Year: 1992 Prof. Dr. Günter Schulz Field: Physiology
Year: 1994 Prof. Dr. Helga Haftendorn Field: Political Science
Year: 1995 Prof. Dr. Ekkehard König Field: English Language and Literature
Year: 2002 Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse Field: Political Science
Year: 2003 Prof. Dr. Martin Vingron Field: Adjunct Professor für Bioinformatics (Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics Berlin)
Year: 2004