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Madeline Thomas, Nashville (USA)

My name is Madeline Thomas, and I am 23 years old. I am an English major at Freie Universität Berlin and am spending the third semester of my master’s degree program in the English Department at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. It is part of Freie Universität’s direct exchange with the graduate program there. Nashville is home to country music, hot weather, and very nice people! I am excited to share a few glimpses into my life as a student at this rather small private university in the southern United States.

Bye, bye, Nashville – hopefully not for long!

In her third and final letter from Nashville, Madeline Thomas has to say good-bye to her American university, at least for the time being.

Going for Walks along Lake Michigan

This time Madeline Thomas sent a letter from Chicago, the “Windy City” of the U.S.

Good Planning, Ambition, and Plenty of Coffee

A letter from Nashville! Madeline Thomas is getting to know student life in the United States and has found a second home in the university library.