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Management Incubator Workshop

„Strategies to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Universities“

News from Nov 23, 2015

The UAS Management Incubator took place November 16-20, 2015.

During that week were presentations and discussions on the following topics: Carbon Reduction Strategies, Energy Monitoring, Engaging Stakeholders for Energy Conservation and proposals for joint projects in campus management.

Representatives from TU Braunschweig talked about the Case Study Masterplan. Mrs. Dr. Dörte Ohlhorst presented some facts about the German Energy Transition with a subsequent discussion. Freie Universität Berlin presented the Main Canteen, a modernized, energy-efficient building, and gave professional guided tours of the Botanical Gardens and the Sustainable Campus Management.

At the end of the week the upcoming Management Incubator in April 2016 was discussed and prepared.