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QS Subject Ranking 2016: Freie Universität Berlin among Top 200 in 25 Subjects

Among Best in Germany in Six Subjects

№ 078/2016 from Mar 22, 2016

In the latest prestigious QS World University Ranking by Subject, Freie Universität Berlin places among the best 200 universities in the world in 25 of 29 ranked subjects. In eight disciplines, Freie Universität was among the world’s top 50, as announced by QS in London. In a German-wide comparison, only LMU Munich apprears in the top 200 more frequently than Freie Universität. The recent ranking looked at 42 subjects; 13 of them are not offered at Freie Universität, for example, engineering and materials science. QS stands for Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd.

In 13 subjects, Freie Universität is first (in six subjects) or second (seven subjects) in Germany. In four additional subjects, Freie Universität is among the five best in Germany.

The six subjects in which Freie Universität places first in Germany include: archaeology (rank 11 worldwide), English language and literature (among the best 100 worldwide), anthropology (29), political science and international relations (18), and sociology (22). The seven subjects in which the university came in second in Germany include: history (rank 36 worldwide), linguistics (among the best 100 worldwide), modern languages (24), pharmacy and pharmacology (45), veterinary medicine (44), geography (among the best 100 worldwide), and media and communication studies (among the best 100 worldwide).

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