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Memorandum Signed for Open Access

Freie Universität Berlin and Canada’s Simon Fraser University Have Agreed to Develop Software for Electronic Journals

№ 121/2010 from May 03, 2010

Freie Universität Berlin and Canada’s Simon Fraser University have signed a memorandum on the development and dissemination of the world’s leading open-source software for electronic journals. With this step Freie Universität is moving forward in making scholarly journals freely accessible in the Internet according to the open access idea. The Open Journal Systems (OJS) software with over 5,000 journal installations is the most commonly used application for the management, evaluation, and publication of electronic journals.

Open access refers to free availability of scholarly literature and scholarly materials for any users in the public Internet. This allows scientists and scholars around the world quick access to new knowledge as well as the possibility to make their own results directly available by the same route. This accelerates research and makes publicly funded research more visible to the public.

At Freie Universität, the Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS) has been dealing with this issue for several years. CeDiS supports the implementation of freely accessible electronic journals as mandated in the open access declaration of Freie Universität. CeDiS also oversees the implementation of OJS at the university.

The memorandum lays down collaboration with the Canadian partners who developed OJS, with CeDiS aiming to adapt the software to the specific needs of German e-journal editors. In addition, Freie Universität provides editorial support for the German virtual environment of the system and, in cooperation with the Canadian partners, operates the German user forum. At Freie Universität several journals have already been switched to the OJS software, and CeDiS is also providing support for several external institutions preparing to use the system.

Further Information


Katja Egli
Press and Public Relations, Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS), Freie Universität Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 838-53705
Email: kegli@cedis.fu-berlin.de