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Theater Studies Scholars Intensify Transatlantic Cooperation

Joint Symposium at Brown University Extends Research Collaboration

№ 47/2009 from Mar 06, 2009

The Institute of Theater Studies at Freie Universität Berlin and several departments at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island (U.S.A.) are starting to work more closely together. In a series of workshops, the scholars from Berlin will meet with their counter- parts from the Cogut Center for the Humanities, the Department of German Studies, the Department of Music, and the Department of Theater, Speech, and Dance, all of Brown University, to work out joint research topics. The series will start with the symposium on "Theatricality and Performance" to be held March 13 and 14, 2009, at Brown University.

The interdisciplinary meeting "Theatricality and Performance" will be attended by scholars from various departments of Brown University as well as five researchers from the Institute of Theater Studies of Freie Universität Berlin and three scholars from other universites in the United States. The participants from Freie Universität will be Dr. des. Bettina Brandl-Risi, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Brandstetter, Dr. Jan Lazardzig, Junior-Prof. Dr. Clemens Risi, and Prof. Dr. Helmar Schramm. Together, the scholars intend to discuss the differences and similarities in the use of the concepts of theatricality and performativity. The research will focus on historical and contemporary theater, dance, opera, literature, new media, and political events.

The long-term goal of both universities is a regular exchange of teachers and students. In the past, the two institutions have already worked together in both research and teaching. During the past year, Brown University organized a first joint workshop on "Wagner and Scandal."

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