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Erasmus+ Stays for Further Education and Training in Europe

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Within the framework of the Erasmus+ Europa Program, non-academic staff employed by universities can take part in language courses, job shadowing, and further education and training in 34 countries.

Below, you can find out more about what options are available and how to apply.


1. Which types of stay are eligible for funding under Erasmus+ Europe?

2. In which countries may I conduct an Erasmus+ stay?

3. How do I apply for Erasmus+ funding for my project?


4. How much is the Erasmus+ funding for my host country?

5. What special funding can I apply for?


6. How can I prepare myself interculturally for a stay abroad?

7. Which language courses can I take in preparation?

During your stay

8. How am I insured? What additional insurance should I take out?

9. What obligations do I have as a funding recipient?


If you have further questions or if you are already interested in a specific stay within Europe, you are welcome to contact us by phone or email.

Ms. Stefanie Ritter
International Affairs
IVB – Academic Relations
Kaiserswerther Str. 16-18
14195 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30 838-72188

Email: stefanie.ritter@fu-berlin.de