SoSe 23  
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Zusätzliches Le...  

SoSe 23: Westasien und Nordafrika/ Diaspora (WE 4)

Zusätzliches Lehrangebot BA Geschichte und Kultur des Vorderen Orients

  • Zusätzliches Lehrangebot Semitistik

    • 14412 Verschiedenes
      Studies on the Arabic language: From the Arabic linguistic tradition to modern linguistic theories (Simona Olivieri)
      Zeit: Do 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 20.04.2023)
      Ort: JK 25/130 (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)


      An inter-disciplinary approach is built into the program’s structure, which makes use of methods drawing on historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, and philosophy of language. Students will be introduced to the study of Arabic language and linguistics by investigating the historical aspects of the language, the Arabic linguistic studies in the Arabic tradition, as well as written and spoken varieties. The approach to this investigation will be quite broad and includes sociolinguistic aspects, diglossia, language contact, and dialectal variation.


      Main references: Owens, Jonathan. 2019. The Oxford Handbook of Arabic Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retsö, Jan. 2013. “What Is Arabic?” In The Oxford Handbook of Arabic Linguistics, edited by Jonathan Owens, 433–50. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press. Versteegh, Kees. The Arabic Language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014. Further references will be provided during the semester

    • 14414 Verschiedenes
      Koran und Syrische Literatur (Yousef Kouriyhe)
      Zeit: Fr 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 21.04.2023)
      Ort: 1.2002 Seminarraum (Fabeckstr. 23/25)
  • Zusätzliches Lehrangebot Arabistik

  • Zusätzliches Lehrangebot Turkologie

    • 13954 Seminar
      Settlements & Urbanism in Archaeology. Theory and Digital Methods for Landscape Analysis (Nehemie Strupler)
      Zeit: Fr 09:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 28.04.2023)
      Ort: Arnimallee 10, Raum 010

      Hinweise für Studierende

      For this course it is not possible to enrol via Campus Management. Please enrol via the form “Modul-, Lehrveranstaltungs- und Prüfungsanmeldung” when you decided to take the course. You can find the form on the website of the Studienbüro Geschkult. Please submit this document to the Studienbüro within the same time frame you would have to enrol in your courses via Campus Management. The workload of the course equals 150 hours: attendance 30 hours, preparation and wrap-up 60 hours, exam 60 hours. For questions regarding credits you will have to approach your BA- or MA advisor of your study program.” Please register also via email:

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      Students must bring their own computer (laptop) to each class


      This course will introduce the ways in which archaeologists attempt to understand settlements and urbanism in ancient landscapes. We will focus on various strategies and techniques of fieldwork and data interpretation, both theoretical and applied. We will become familiar with archaeological survey and spatial analysis of archaeological evidence across landscapes and how archaeologists collect data to interpret regional settlement systems, land use and communication. The main topic of discussion will be how landscapes came to be and how we can try to understand them using the full variety of data and analysis methods available to us. Although Geographic Information Systems (GIS) will be part of the course, this course will not focus on the use of GIS in archaeology. The case studies include regional works about Western Asia and the Mediterranean Basin.


      E. B. Banning (2002), Archaeological Survey, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishing, New York.

    • 14531 Übung
      Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstechniken für Turkolog*innen (Sebastian Cwiklinski)
      Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2023)
      Ort: JK 25/132 weitere Hinweise zur Austattun