SoSe 24  
Biologie, Chemi...  
Master Biology ...  

SoSe 24: Biologie

Master Biology (Enrollment until WT23/24 / SPO2018)

Liebe Studierende der Masterstudiengänge Biologie und Biodiversität,
die Module des jeweils anderen Studiengangs können von allen Studierenden beider Studiengänge belegt werden.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie zusätzlich zum Introductionmodul und zum 15LP- Forschungsprojektmodul maximal 15 LP undifferenziert in Ihren Studiengang einbringen dürfen. Sollten Sie also an Modulen in der Biochemie teilnehmen wollen, die undifferenziert benotet werden, so ist dies nur bis zu einer Umfang von 15 LP möglich.


Informationen zu verbindlichen Fristen, Zeiten, Orten und Formen (Live-Verteilung oder Formular) der Verteilungen finden Sie ausschließlich auf der Verteilungs-Website der Biologie.

Du weichst vom Studienverlaufsplan ab?

Dann solltest du dich dringend in der Sprechstunde des Studienbüros Biologie von Frau Dr. Vanessa Zacher beraten lassen, bevor die Frist für Voranmeldungen im Sommersemester 2024 am 10. März 2024 endet.

Dies betrifft alle Studierenden auch die im Lehrermaster mit Fach Biologie, sowie Module aus der Biodidaktik

  • Aktuelle Aspekte der Mikrobiologie (5 LP)

    • 23413a Seminar
      S Fungal Genetics and Biology (Julia Schumacher)
      Zeit: 2. Block: 27.05.-28.05.2024; 31.05.2024 + 07.06.2024; täglich; 9.00 -13.00 (Erster Termin: 27.05.2024)
      Ort: Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      Mandatory Webex meeting: 21.05.2024, 10:00 Uhr


      Methods for genetic engineering of fungal genomes will be introduced. It will be discussed how these methods are used in mycology to understand the biology of fungi to target their undesired growth or to use them as producers in biotechnological processes.

    • 23413b Praktikum
      Ü Fungal Genetics and Biology (Julia Schumacher)
      Zeit: 2. Block: 27.05.-30.05.2024; 03.06.-06.06.2024 + 14.06.2024; täglich; 9.00-15.00 (Erster Termin: 27.05.2024)
      Ort: Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      Mandatory Webex meeting: 21.05.2024, 10:00 Uhr


      Cultivation and identification of fungi. Production and phenotypic characterization of knock-out mutants and expression strains: Application of genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 in the melanized fungus Knufia petricola and heterologous expression of K. petricola genes in baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The practical exercises are carried out in two groups on three course days each. The remaining time is reserved for preparation and follow-up. The date on 14.06.2023 is for the evaluation of the practical experiments and the discussion of the results obtained.


      1. Kück U., Nowrousian M., Hoff B., Engh I. Schimmelpilze: Lebensweise, Nutzen, Schaden, Bekämpfung. Springer, 3. Auflage, 2009 2. Fachzeitschriften

    • 23422a Vorlesung
      V/Ü Mikroskopie (Optische Mikroskopie des Submikroskopischen) (Ralph Hölzel, Eva-Maria Laux)
      Zeit: 2. Block: 27.05.- 31.05.2024; täglich; 09:00 - 17:30 (Erster Termin: 27.05.2024)
      Ort: Fraunhofer-Institut IZI-BB, 14476 Potsdam-Golm, Am Mühlenberg 13

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Additional modul information: Modulbeschreibung des Moduls Aktuelle Aspekte der Molekular- und Zellbiologie

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      For participating it is absolutely essential to contact the lecturerer till 12th May 2024 at


      Introduction into state-of-the-art methods in high-resolution light microscopy (brightfield, darkfield, phase contrast, DIC, fluorescence, confocal, superresolution microscopy) and computer based image acquisition and analysis emphasising fluorescence microscopy. Parts of the course are carried out using a confocal laser scanning microscope. Accordingly, the students are expected to work in a committed and self-dependent manner.


      K. Henkel: Die Mikrofibel, Praxis-Ratgeber für die Mikroskopie, can be retrieved at:
      M. Abramowitz, M. W. Davidson, and al.: The Microscopy, can be retrieved at:
      Microscope: Basics and Beyond, M. Abramowitz:

    • 23422b Seminar
      S Mikroskopie (Optische Mikroskopie des Submikroskopischen) (Ralph Hölzel, Eva-Maria Laux)
      Zeit: 2. Block: 27.05.- 31.05.2024; täglich; 09:00 - 17:30 (Erster Termin: 27.05.2024)
      Ort: Fraunhofer-Institut IZI-BB, 14476 Potsdam-Golm, Am Mühlenberg 13

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Additional modul information: Modulbeschreibung des Moduls Aktuelle Aspekte der Molekular- und Zellbiologie

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      For participating it is absolutely essential to contact the lecturerer till 12th May 2024 at


      Original publications on state-of-the-art developments in super-resolution microscopy will be presented and discussed.


      K. Henkel: Die Mikrofibel, Praxis-Ratgeber für die Mikroskopie, can be retrieved at:
      M. Abramowitz, M. W. Davidson, and al.: The Microscopy, can be retrieved at:
      Microscope: Basics and Beyond, M. Abramowitz:

  • Spezielle Mikrobiologie (15 LP)

    • 23410a Vorlesung
      V Mechanismen der mikrobiellen Stressanpassung (Haike Antelmann, Eberhard Klauck)
      Zeit: 1.Block: 15.04 - 10.05.2024; täglich; 08:15 - 09:45 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: Seminarraum 1 (Königin-Luise-Str. 12 / 16)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Additional 2 places for students in biochemistry.
      Additional module infos: Modulbeschreibung der Modulvariante Molekulare Mikrobiologie und Mikrobenphysiologie

      UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 1, 4, 7, 15, 16

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      The exam will take place on May 17, 2024 at 10 a.m.


      Lecture: Deepening on the lecture Mol. Microbiology and microbial physiology and discussion of current literature on topics in molecular microbiology.
      Topics: Bacterial adaptation mechanisms to stress, starvation and other growth-limiting conditions, microbial biofilms, microbial redox physiology, signal transduction and regulation of gene expression, mechanisms of microbial pathogenicity, protein quality control, functional genomic analysis of bacteria (genome sequencing, transcriptomics, microbial proteomics).

      Practical course: Regulation of gene expression after the stress exposure (reporter genes lacZ fusions, ß-galactosidase determination; Northern blot analyses) Molecular biology/genetic engineering (PCR, cloning, blue/white screening in E. coli, mutant construction in B. subtilis, overexpression and Affinity purification of recombinant proteins in E. coli, measurement of enzyme activities of redox-sensitive recombinant proteins (GapDH), measurement of roGFP2 redox sensors Bacterial genomes, transcriptomes, proteomes and bioinformatic analysis of proteome data (Western blot analyses, gel-free and gel-based proteome analyses, bioinformatics).

      Seminar: Theoretical and methodological introduction to the experiments of the practical course. Presentation of results from the experiments and their critical discussion, taking into account generally accepted theories and findings as well as the applied methods and techniques.


      1. FUCHS, G. (Hrsg.) Allgemeine Mikrobiologie, begründet von Hans G. SCHLEGEL, 9., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage 2014, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York.

    • 23411a Vorlesung
      V Leaf surface microbiology (Mitja Remus-Emsermann, Rudolf Schlechter Jahn und Mitarbeitende der AG Remus-Emsermann)
      Zeit: 2.-3.Block: 17.06. - 12.07.2024; täglich; 09:15 - 10:45 (Erster Termin: 17.06.2024)
      Ort: Seminarraum 1 (R 033) (Königin-Luise-Str. 12 / 16)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Additional module infos: Modulbeschreibung der Modulvariante Spezielle Mikrobiologie

      UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 1, 13, 16

      Zusätzl. Angaben / Voraussetzungen

      A date for a briefing (Vorbesprechung) will be communicated closer to the start of the course


      Qualification goals: The module teaches a broad spectrum of knowledge about physiology, genetics, molecular biology, and evolution of bacteria. It has also a strong focus on technical skills and a variety of methods. After successfully completing this module, students will be able to identify, formulate, and discuss subject specific questions and hypotheses; they are able to design experimental strategies to test their hypotheses and to plan and conduct experiments independently. Contents: The content and topic of this course revolves around leaf surface microbiology. Leaf surfaces are a great example for natural habitats that are colonised by bacteria. For this course, novel bacterial strains were isolated from plant leaf surfaces and will be further characterised using classical microbiological and molecular methods, as well as whole-genome sequencing and bioinformatics to assemble and annotate bacterial genomes. To give context to the characterisation of leaf-associated bacterial isolates, the lecture series and seminars will focus on current methods in microbial ecology, genomics and phyllosphere microbiology.

    • 23410b Seminar
      S Mechanismen der mikrobiellen Stressanpassung (Haike Antelmann, Eberhard Klauck, Vu Van Loi)
      Zeit: 1.Block: 15.04 - 10.05.2024; täglich; 10:00 - 10:45 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: Seminarraum 1 (Königin-Luise-Str. 12 / 16)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Additional 2 places for students in biochemistry.
      Additional module infos: Modulbeschreibung der Modulvariante Molekulare Mikrobiologie und Mikrobenphysiologie

      UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 1, 4, 7, 15, 16


      Lecture: Deepening on the lecture Mol. Microbiology and microbial physiology and discussion of current literature on topics in molecular microbiology.
      Topics: Bacterial adaptation mechanisms to stress, starvation and other growth-limiting conditions, microbial biofilms, microbial redox physiology, signal transduction and regulation of gene expression, mechanisms of microbial pathogenicity, protein quality control, functional genomic analysis of bacteria (genome sequencing, transcriptomics, microbial proteomics).

      Practical course: Regulation of gene expression after the stress exposure (reporter genes lacZ fusions, ß-galactosidase determination; Northern blot analyses) Molecular biology/genetic engineering (PCR, cloning, blue/white screening in E. coli, mutant construction in B. subtilis, overexpression and Affinity purification of recombinant proteins in E. coli, measurement of enzyme activities of redox-sensitive recombinant proteins (GapDH), measurement of roGFP2 redox sensors Bacterial genomes, transcriptomes, proteomes and bioinformatic analysis of proteome data (Western blot analyses, gel-free and gel-based proteome analyses, bioinformatics).

      Seminar: Theoretical and methodological introduction to the experiments of the practical course. Presentation of results from the experiments and their critical discussion, taking into account generally accepted theories and findings as well as the applied methods and techniques.


      1. FUCHS, G. (Hrsg.) Allgemeine Mikrobiologie, begründet von Hans G. SCHLEGEL, 9., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage 2014, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York. 2. MUNK, K. (Hrsg.) Taschenlehrbuch Biologie: Mikrobiologie. 1. Auflage, Georg Thieme Verlag, 2008, Stuttgart. 3. MADIGAN, M. T., J. M. MARTINKO, D. A. STAHL and D. P. CLARK. Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 13th edition, Pearson Education, Inc., 2012, San Francisco. 4. MADIGAN, M. T., J. M. MARTINKO, D. A. STAHL und D. P. CLARK. Brock Mikrobiologie, 13., aktualisierte Auflage, Pearson Higher Education, 2013, München. 5. Lottspeich, F. und J.W.Engel (Hrsg) Bioanalytik. 2.Auflage, Spektrum, Akademischer Verlag, Elsevier GmbH, München, 2006 6. Ausgewählte spezielle Literatur zur Thematik (aktuelle Reviews) werden zur Verfügung gestellt

    • 23411b Seminar
      S Leaf surface microbiology (Mitja Remus-Emsermann, Rudolf Schlechter Jahn und Mitarbeitende der AG Remus-Emsermann)
      Zeit: 2.-3.Block: 17.06. - 12.07.2024; täglich; 11:00 - 11:45 (Erster Termin: 17.06.2024)
      Ort: Seminarraum 1 (R 033) (Königin-Luise-Str. 12 / 16)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Additional module infos: Modulbeschreibung der Modulvariante Spezielle Mikrobiologie

      UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 1, 13, 16


      The module teaches a broad spectrum of knowledge about physiology, genetics, molecular biology, and evolution of bacteria. It has also a strong focus on technical skills and a variety of methods. After successfully completing this module, students will be able to identify, formulate, and discuss subject specific questions and hypotheses; they are able to design experimental strategies to test their hypotheses and to plan and conduct experiments independently. Contents: The content and topic of this course revolves around leaf surface microbiology. Leaf surfaces are a great example for natural habitats that are colonised by bacteria. For this course, novel bacterial strains were isolated from plant leaf surfaces and will be further characterised using classical microbiological and molecular methods, as well as whole-genome sequencing and bioinformatics to assemble and annotate bacterial genomes. To give context to the characterisation of leaf-associated bacterial isolates, the lecture series and seminars will focus on current methods in microbial ecology, genomics and phyllosphere microbiology. Examination: see lab component

    • 23410c Praktikum
      P Mechanismen der mikrobiellen Stressanpassung (Haike Antelmann, Eberhard Klauck, Vu Van Loi)
      Zeit: 1. Block: 15.04 - 10.05.2024; täglich; 12:00 - 18:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: 025/026 Praktikumsraum (Königin-Luise-Str. 12 / 16)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Additional 2 places for students in biochemistry.
      Additional module infos: Modulbeschreibung der Modulvariante Molekulare Mikrobiologie und Mikrobenphysiologie

      UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 1, 4, 7, 15, 16


      Lecture: Deepening on the lecture Mol. Microbiology and microbial physiology and discussion of current literature on topics in molecular microbiology.
      Topics: Bacterial adaptation mechanisms to stress, starvation and other growth-limiting conditions, microbial biofilms, microbial redox physiology, signal transduction and regulation of gene expression, mechanisms of microbial pathogenicity, protein quality control, functional genomic analysis of bacteria (genome sequencing, transcriptomics, microbial proteomics).

      Practical course: Regulation of gene expression after the stress exposure (reporter genes lacZ fusions, ß-galactosidase determination; Northern blot analyses) Molecular biology/genetic engineering (PCR, cloning, blue/white screening in E. coli, mutant construction in B. subtilis, overexpression and Affinity purification of recombinant proteins in E. coli, measurement of enzyme activities of redox-sensitive recombinant proteins (GapDH), measurement of roGFP2 redox sensors Bacterial genomes, transcriptomes, proteomes and bioinformatic analysis of proteome data (Western blot analyses, gel-free and gel-based proteome analyses, bioinformatics).

      Seminar: Theoretical and methodological introduction to the experiments of the practical course. Presentation of results from the experiments and their critical discussion, taking into account generally accepted theories and findings as well as the applied methods and techniques.


      1. FUCHS, G. (Hrsg.) Allgemeine Mikrobiologie, begründet von Hans G. SCHLEGEL, 9., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage 2014, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York. 2. MUNK, K. (Hrsg.) Taschenlehrbuch Biologie: Mikrobiologie. 1. Auflage, Georg Thieme Verlag, 2008, Stuttgart. 3. MADIGAN, M. T., J. M. MARTINKO, D. A. STAHL and D. P. CLARK. Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 13th edition, Pearson Education, Inc., 2012, San Francisco. 4. MADIGAN, M. T., J. M. MARTINKO, D. A. STAHL und D. P. CLARK. Brock Mikrobiologie, 13., aktualisierte Auflage, Pearson Higher Education, 2013, München. 5. Lottspeich, F. und J.W.Engel (Hrsg) Bioanalytik. 2.Auflage, Spektrum, Akademischer Verlag, Elsevier GmbH, München, 2006 6. Ausgewählte spezielle Literatur zur Thematik (aktuelle Reviews) werden zur Verfügung gestellt

    • 23411c Praktikum
      P Leaf surface microbiology (Mitja Remus-Emsermann, Rudolf Schlechter Jahn und Mitarbeitende der AG Remus-Emsermann)
      Zeit: 2.-3.Block: 17.06. - 12.07.2024; täglich; 12:00 - 18:00 (Erster Termin: 17.06.2024)
      Ort: 025/026 Praktikumsraum (Königin-Luise-Str. 12 / 16)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      Additional module infos: Modulbeschreibung der Modulvariante Spezielle Mikrobiologie

      UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 1, 13, 16


      The module teaches a broad spectrum of knowledge about physiology, genetics, molecular biology, and evolution of bacteria. It has also a strong focus on technical skills and a variety of methods. After successfully completing this module, students will be able to identify, formulate, and discuss subject specific questions and hypotheses; they are able to design experimental strategies to test their hypotheses and to plan and conduct experiments independently.

      The content and topic of this course revolves around leaf surface microbiology. Leaf surfaces are a great example for natural habitats that are colonised by bacteria. For this course, novel bacterial strains were isolated from plant leaf surfaces and will be further characterised using classical microbiological and molecular methods, as well as whole-genome sequencing and bioinformatics to assemble and annotate bacterial genomes. To give context to the characterisation of leaf-associated bacterial isolates, the lecture series and seminars will focus on current methods in microbial ecology, genomics and phyllosphere microbiology.


      The examination will be in form of a lab report.

  • Aktuelle Themen der Mikrobiologie (5 LP)

    • 23412a Vorlesung
      V Plant-microbe interactions and single-cell methods (Mitja Remus-Emsermann, Rudolf Schlechter Jahn, Luis Paniagua Voirol und Mitarbeitende der AG Remus-Emsermann)
      Zeit: semesterbegleitend das ganze Semester lang; Di; 09:00-11:30 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: hybrid: Seminarraum 1 (R 033)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      3 additional seats for biochemists Zusätzliche Modulinfos: Modulbeschreibung der Modulvariante Plant- microbe interactions and sinqle-cell methods

      UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 1, 13, 16


      The course will discuss hot of the press papers in the field of leaf surface microbiology, single-cell microbiology and microbial ecology in sensu latu.
      Members of the AG-Remus-Emsermann will report on their recent results. The course will be held in a time DEpendent hybrid format and will continue during the lecture free time. Note that this course has more contact hours than necessary to allow for students to miss some contacts and attend other courses.

      Qualification goals:
      The module will give insight and discuss a broad spectrum of topics regarding plant-microbe interactions as well as single-cell microbiology, from the perspective of physiology, genetics and genomics, microbial ecology and evolution.
      After attending this module, students will be able to identify and discuss topic specific questions and will have further insights into the methodological options to test hypotheses. The module will try to build a safe environment to test and improve the attendee’s abilities to present and discuss in public.

      The examination will be in form of an oral discussion of a paper.


      As advertised on Blackboard

    • 23412b Seminar
      S Plant-microbe interactions and single-cell methods (Mitja Remus-Emsermann, Rudolf Schlechter Jahn, Luis Paniagua Voirol und Mitarbeitende der AG Remus-Emsermann)
      Zeit: semesterbegleitend das ganze Semester lang; Di; 16:00-17:30 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: hybrid: Seminarraum 1 (R 033)

      Hinweise für Studierende

      3 additional seats for biochemists Zusätzliche Modulinfos: Modulbeschreibung der Modulvariante Plant- microbe interactions and sinqle-cell methods

      UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 1, 13, 16


      The course will discuss hot of the press papers in the field of leaf surface microbiology, single-cell microbiology and microbial ecology in sensu latu. Participants of the course will present on classic and current papers. The course will be held in a time DEpendent hybrid format and will continue during the lecture free time. Note that this course has more contact hours than necessary to allow for students to miss some contacts and attend other courses. Qualification goals: The module will give insight and discuss a broad spectrum of topics regarding plant-microbe interactions as well as single-cell microbiology, from the perspective of physiology, genetics and genomics, microbial ecology and evolution. After attending this module, students will be able to identify and discuss topic specific questions and will have further insights into the methodological options to test hypotheses. The module will try to build a safe environment to test and improve the attendee’s abilities to present and discuss in public.

      Examination: see lecture component


      As advertised on Blackboard