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Nova série de debates online: „Watersheds of Internationalization?”

Notícias de 04.12.2020

With its debate series “Watersheds of Internationalization?”, Freie Universität Berlin, together with partner institutions and international experts, will take a closer look at five different developments of globalization and internationalization of HEI, and discuss their possible outcomes. How will the international student experience develop? What will mobility look like in times of climate crisis? How will growing inequality affect the exchange of knowledge and academic freedom? Our panelists might present quite conflicting ideas on how universities might develop, and it is up to you, our global audience, to decide which direction you prefer.

Since the events take place at lunchtime in Berlin, we named them "Lunchtime Debates", but we invite you to join us across all time zones and consider this a refreshing break during your workday, breakfast, dinner, afternoon tea or even in your pyjamas looking for some food for thought.

The next session, which will be held on December 10th, will debate the topic “Academic Travel and the Climate Crisis”.

More information and registration here.

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