14:00 Welcome
Prof. Dr. Mônica Santos de Freitas - Coordinator of International Affair of CENABIO
Prof. Dr. Amaury Fernandes da Silva Júnior - Director of International Affairs of UFRJ
Prof. Dr. Andrew Macrae - Coordinator of International Affair of CCS
Funding opportunities
14:10 German Academic Exchange Servive - DAAD (Miguel Flores Tan)
14:25 German Research Foundation - DFG (Dr. Kathrin Winkler)
14:40 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Prof. Dr. Mônica Santos de Freitas)
14:55 Questions
Doctoral and postdoctoral stays at German Universities
15:05 Freie Universität Berlin (Nora Jacobs)
15:20 Universität Potsdam (Sven Dinklage)
15:35 Technische Universität München (Sören Metz)
15:50 Questions
Please find more information here and here.
Horário e Lugar
12.12.2019 | 14:00 - 16:00
Auditório Hélio Fraga, Bloco K, 2º andar, Prédio do Centro de Ciências da Saúde (CCS), UFRJ, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373, Cidade Universitária, Rio de Janeiro