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PhD Summer School at the Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies (WBZ) in Breslau/Wrocław

After a city tour with Piotr Przybyła (PhD) from the WBZ.

After a city tour with Piotr Przybyła (PhD) from the WBZ.
Image Credit: SONG Hao

"Germany and Poland in Europe. Past and Present" was the title of a PhD summer school which from June 7 until June 14 took place at the Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies (WBZ) of the University of Wrocław/Breslau. Participants were mainly alumni of the ZDS Master's program doing their PhD in Germany, but also Master and PhD students from the WBZ. Part of the summer school was the international interdisciplinary conference "Europe from Inside – Europe from Outside", which offered the opportunity for manifold discussions about current developments in the European Union. Various participants in the summer school took advantage of the possibility to present themselves to a broader audience with a talk about their research.

News from Jun 19, 2018

Following the conference, there were some days of intensive work on German-Polish history and present on the program, focussing especially on the city of Wrocław/Breslau with all its ruptures and continuities. During various city tours, museum visits and expert talks, collective memories and historical representations were explored and analyzed. A day trip to the Peace Church in Świdnica/Schweidnitz and the Kreisau Circle memorial and international youth center in Krzyżowa/Kreisau offered interesting insights, too. 

Program of the summer school (in German)

Program of the conference