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Of Fire Machines, Enlightenment and Religion: ZDS Spring Salon

ZDS director Huang Liaoyu introducing PD Dr. Michael Jaeger from Freie Universität Berlin.

ZDS director Huang Liaoyu introducing PD Dr. Michael Jaeger from Freie Universität Berlin.
Image Credit: ZDS Peking

PD Dr. Michael Jaeger during his talk about the "Fire Machines" Goethe and Marx.

PD Dr. Michael Jaeger during his talk about the "Fire Machines" Goethe and Marx.
Image Credit: ZDS Peking

Dr. LU Baiyu, ZDS coordinator, talking about Lessing's "Nathan the Wise".

Dr. LU Baiyu, ZDS coordinator, talking about Lessing's "Nathan the Wise".
Image Credit: ZDS Peking

A special guest contributed to the German Studies Center's spring salon on April 13, 2018 with his talk about "Fire Machines: Goethe and Marx": PD Dr. Michael Jaeger from Freie Universität Berlin who stayed at Peking University in the framework of the institutional partnership between both universities. Mr. Jaeger is strongly connected to the ZDS and is very much involved in the academic supervision of ZDS students staying at Freie Universität Berlin. In addition to Mr. Jaeger's lecture, Dr. LU Baiyu, the ZDS coordinator at Peking University, talked about "Enlightenment and Religion in Nathan the Wise".

News from Apr 16, 2018