The Germans and their Myths
The historian Prof. Dr. LI Wei gave the introductory talk.
Image Credit: ZDS Peking
As always during a ZDS salon, there was a lively exchange.
Image Credit: ZDS Peking
The participants ...
Image Credit: ZDS Peking
.. discussed lively.
Image Credit: ZDS Peking
Ms. Prof. Dr. LIAN Yu-ru (Political Science) ...
Image Credit: ZDS Peking
... and Prof. Dr. Jin Xiping (Philosophy).
Image Credit: ZDS Peking
For the ZDS, the new year started with a 'salon', too. On January 20, 2018 the historian Professor LI Wei talked about "The Germans and their Myths". This topic resulted from the recent publication of Mr. Li's Chinese translation of Herfried Münkler's book of the same title in which the Berlin political scientist critically analyzes German myths and their instrumentalization.
News from Feb 01, 2018