Information about the course subjects is only available in German.
for students who want to apply for:
Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Bio-Informatics or Biology.
Mandatory subject combination of the course:
German, Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry.
for students who want to apply for:
Business Administration (BWL), Economics (VWL), Statistics.
Mandatory subject combination of the course:
German, Mathematics, Economics, History of Economics, English.
for students who want to apply for social sciences or humanities.
Mandatory subject combination of the course:
German, History, Social Studies, German Literature
for students who want to apply for natural or technical sciences
(except for Biochemistry, Bio-Informatics or Biology; see M-Course).
Mandatory subject combination of the course:
German, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science.