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About SchülerUni

Learning and teaching for a sustainable world: That is the motto of Schools@University Sustainability + Climate Protection at the Free University Berlin. Since March 2012, we have been offering the program to 5th and 6th grades in Berlin, always in spring and autumn.

The special thing about us is our topical focus! For one week everything revolves around sustainability and climate change issues. We open lecture halls, seminar rooms, laboratories, solar roofs, the weather station and the Botanical Garden to make the concepts of sustainability and climate protection come alive for students and teachers.

Participation and Experience: Youths can experience the key themes of sustainable development through experiments around renewable energies, energy tours, art workshops, future workshops, writing workshops, simulations, role-plays and field trips.

A full week's program: For our week-long program, we invite schoolchildren of the 5th and 6th year (10 to 13-year-olds) in school groups as well as their teachers. Attendance is free of charge for all events.

Service for teachers: Teachers have the opportunity to inform themselves about Education for Sustainable Development in our accompanying training and learn practical and suitable suggestions for teaching their classes.

More information about our programme can be found here.