Learning Sustainability with Head, Heart and Hands
How are the loss of biodiveresity, proceeding climate change, deforestation of tropical rain forest, food scandals and fair trade connected to our daily consumption and life style? These questions of interdependency and their social, ecological, economic and political aspects are central to Schools@University.
In order to reach out to students on an emotional level, the format links all senses to theoretical knowledge, thus enabling students to understand and act out topics on a deeper level. Story-writing, experimenting and handcrafting are only a few examples of the many engaging methods engaged to encourage children and teenagers to search for practical everyday solutions by themselves.
These six teaching methods are used in Schools@University (translation below):
- excursions (flower)
- simulation games, theatre, quizzes, parcours, food (hand)
- interactive lecture or plenary discussion (ear)
- experiments related to Renewable Energies (magnifying glass)
- writing, communication and future workshops (pen)
- art and creativity workshops (scissors)
Additionally, these five colour-coded key themes are part of our programme:
- consumption and lifestyle
- biodiversity and sustainable development
- mobility, building and housing
- climate change and energy
- nutrition and agriculture
The combination of colour and symbol helps you to find the best workshops when deciding to participate in Schools@University!
The inclusion of artistic and cultural methods is particularly important to Schools@University. We are especially proud of including artistic and cultural events in our programme. Click here to read more (in German).