ISCN Award for Schools@University Sustainability + Climate Protection in Stockholm
News from Jun 21, 2018
The International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) awards Schools@University in the category „Exzcellence in Innovative Collaboration“
Heather Vickery of ISCN presented project leader Karola Braun-Wanke with the prestigious award. The jury head, Matthew Gardner, emphasised the "passion and creativity" that make the project special. "This international recognition means a lot to me", said Karola Braun-Wanke of Freie Universität's Environmental Policy Research Institute (FFU). This award is another recognition of her many years working on ESD projects for sustainability and climate protection.
Annually, 3,000 children and 400 teachers learn more about these topics in the two week-long project phases. This is made possible by a network of more than 90 partners from academia and civil society, ranging from scientists to artists, photographers, directors, cooks, environmental NGOs and businesses. "This high degree of interlinking and the amicable cooperation are the driving forces behind this award", commented Karola Braun-Wanke.
This is the sixth award for Schools@University. In 2015, ISCN awarded the sustainability initiative SUSTAIN IT!, which is also located at Freie Universität. Karola Braun-Wanke was one of the founding members of this students' group.