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Joshua Isaac Milstein

Joshua Milstein

Freie Universitaet Berlin

MA Student

Global Humanities Junior Fellowship at Harvard University

Joshua Milstein is currently a M.A. student in global history at Freie Universitaet Berlin, and a researcher and publications assistant at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. He holds a B.A. in history from UCLA, and has studied in Herzliya, Stockholm, and Heidelberg. His studies have been focused on Jewish history, the intellectual history of modern Europe, and the intellectual history of the ancient and late antique Mediterranean area.

Zeitschichten of the Rise of Trump

Joshua Milstein's project will examine popular narratives of the rise of Donald Trump. In particular, he will look at how his rhetoric and style of governing have been interpreted through the history and political theory of totalitarianism. It is his goal to canvas these popular discourses, roughly from the second half of 2016 until the early months of the Trump presidency. Joshua Milstein's project will consider, with close attention to social media as a site for the shaping and spread of information, how historical events and processes have been “grafted onto” the present, in the generation of a kind of crisis temporality.