How do I get health insurance?
German health insurance is obligatory for M.A. students coming to Berlin. All German health insurance firms charge students matriculated at a university the same rate: € 61.01 for health insurance (“Krankenversicherung”) and € 15.52 for nursing care insurance (“Pflegeversicherung”). In addition, there is a small fee of € 1-6, which differs between companies. In total, health insurance costs around € 80 per month.
Further information can be found here (only in German).
Popular German health insurance companies are:
- Techniker Krankenkasse
- Barmer Krankenkasse
Zoltan Juhasz of Freie Universitaet's Welcome Service will happily support you in selecting and applying for health insurance.
German health insurance is not obligatory for Incoming Scholars who are not M.A. students.