Interlibrary Loan Requests
The University Library can obtain media from other libraries in Berlin, Germany or abroad through external library loans (interlibrary loans). Media can only be requested if it is not already in the collection of the FU libraries.
The requirement for interlibrary loans is a valid user card, which is required to log-in (home library = FU Berlin). The interlibrary loan request can be canceled via the Cooperative Library Network Berlin-Brandenburg (KOBV) portal.
The links for interlibrary loans can be found in the Primo library portal under the results list.
- Interlibrary requests are free for FU researchers.
- FU students pay 1.50 Euros for delivery of one media item (per volume or article) within Germany. You will be informed in advance of special costs (photocopy costs for elaborate articles, insurance costs for valuable books, costs for international interlibrary loans).
- External users pay a fee of 1.50 Euros each time an interlibrary loan is requested. You will be informed in advance of special costs (photocopy costs for elaborate articles, insurance costs for valuable books, costs for international interlibrary loans.
Delivery duration
A large portion of requested media will be delivered within one to two weeks. In individual cases the delivery time can be shorter or significantly longer.
Lending period
The lending period is set by the lending library according to their lending policy and may differ. There is no possibility of extensions.
All interlibrary loans are handed out at the University Library and must be returned there as well.
Tel.: +49 (03) 838-542 22
How to request and receive a publication through interlibrary loan
Demo: How to make ILL requests (video | 1.49)