Niharika Krishna

01 Jan - 30 Apr 2010
Niharika Krishna is a student of Masters in Environmental Studies at TERI University, New Delhi. She will be doing a four months internship at FFU. During her internship she would be working on a project based on renewable energy policies.
The use of renewable energy is emerging to be a suitable adaptation as well as mitigation strategy to combat climate change. Yet the spread of renewable energy has been limited so far due to various technological, economic as well as social barriers. This project aims to analyse the policy instruments that have been used in Germany and other parts of Europe to enhance the spread of renewable energy. The project would chiefly focus on economic instruments and other policy initiatives that enhance societal acceptance of renewable energy. In this project she also intends to assess the applicability of these policy instruments in India, where renewable energy is imperative to ensure long term energy security. Another aspect of the project includes the study and analysis of policy initiatives that can enhance rural energy access in developing countries.
Her broad areas of interest include climate change politics, industrial ecology and environmental and energy policy.