Storage, Protection, and Archiving
When it comes to preserving digital research data, the following three aspects should be kept in mind:
Storage refers to the processes and methods of (physically) storing data on a computer or other IT system (for example, during a project that is still being conducted or at the planning stage).
Protection refers to the methods of data security used to prevent unauthorized access to research results (for example, access control, access restrictions, encryption).
Archiving refers to the methods used to preserve and store research data for the long term (usually in relation to the outcomes of completed projects). Standard formats are often used. Research results must be stored for a specific minimum period of time.
Please contact the University Library or ZEDAT if you have questions about these topics.
See: Freie Universität Berlin. 2019. 'IT-Sicherheitsrichtlinie der Freien Universität Berlin (Version 4.0)'.