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Tatiana Korneeva

Tatiana Korneeva

Tatiana Korneeva

Fellowship Fritz Thyssen Foundation

September 2009 – August 2010

The Motif of Rival Sisters in 17th- to early 19th-Century Fiction by Women: From the French Fairy Tale to the English Novel

Tatiana Korneeva (b. 1982) studied Classical Philology and Comparative Literature at the M.V. Lomonosov’s State University of Moscow (M.A. degree), at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Ph.D) and at the University of Lausanne (postdoctoral fellowship). She received her Ph.D. in Classics at the Scuola Normale Superiore with a dissertation on the interdisciplinary study of the characters in the Thebaid of Statius (“Alter et ipse: identità e duplicità nel sistema dei personaggi della Tebaide di Stazio”) with full grades cum laude. She has held grants from the University of Lausanne, the University of Athens, the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa and the Hardt Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland. Her research interests include: gender and cultural studies, childrens’ literature, folklore studies, 17th- and late 18th-century English and French literature, 20th-century Russian literature and psychoanalysis. 

Abstract of the Research Project:
The project proposes an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural study of the rival sisters’ motif in 17th century French fairy tales and in 18th century British novels by women writers. In all European cultures, fairy tales are a major gateway to issues of identity and to the encoding of gender relations. Thus, a systematic exploration of the theme of female siblings rivalry can provide a new and deeper understanding of the dominant ideologies of gender and sexuality.Korneeva's hypothesis is that the “Cinderella” and the “Beauty and the Beast” tales as told by French writers (d’Aulnoy, de Villandon, de Murat and Leprince de Beaumont) and Jane Austen’s use of the same folklore patterns reveal an important tension between female and male authors in their treatment of the rival sisters motif.A thorough examination of this thematic form of tension and the gendered reading of these works in their social and historical contexts can help to illuminate the intertextual dialogue between the European fairy tale tradition and the development of the realist novel. Korneeva's goal is to articulate the evolution of the function and significance of the rival sisters’ motif in different cultural permutations and in male- and female-authored texts.

Publications (monographs/articles):

  • „Alter et ipse: identità e duplicità nel sistema dei personaggi della Tebaide di Stazio“ (2010).
  • Le ombre di Barbablù: la fiaba di Perrault nell’opera di Anna Achmatova e Ivan Bunin“, in: eSamizdat, 2008, (IV) 1, pp. 135-151. On internet: http://www.esamizdat.it/autori/korneeva.htm.
  • „Figure della duplicità e dell’ambiguità nel sistema dei personaggi della Tebaide di Stazio“, in: Confronti letterari e musicali. Atti del convegno “Il personaggio: figure della dissolvenza e della permanenza - Character in Literature: Patterns of Evanescence and Permanence, 2007, Torino, Edizioni dell’Orso, pp. 231-241.
  • „Il velo dell’indovino: ambiguità linguistica e aberrazione familiare nel sogno di Eteocle (Stat., Theb., II, 89-127)“, in: Studi Classici e Orientali, 50, 2004, pp. 341-361.


  • Review of M.M. Winkler, „Cinema and Classical Tests. Apollo’s New Light”, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009, in: Maia (2009).
  • Review of T. Kataeva, „Anti-Akhmatova“, Moskau, Evro-Info, 2008, in: eSamizdat, 2009, (VII), pp. 353-55. On internet: http://www.esamizdat.it/rivista/2009/1/recensioni/korneeva2.htm.
  • Review of P. Sanaev, „Seppellitemi diero il battiscopa“, 2007, Moskau, Ast, in: eSamizdat, 2009, (VII), pp. 320-22. On internet: http://www.esamizdat.it/rivista/2009/1/recensioni/korneeva1.htm.
  • Review of R.T. Ganiban, „Statius and Virgil. The Thebaid and the Reinterpretation of the Aeneid“, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007; C.A. McNelis, Statius’ Thebaid and the Poetics of Civil War, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007, in: Prometheus, 33 (3), 2007, pp. 284-288.


Russian (native language), Italian, English, Modern Greek, French, German.

