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Launch of the Liaison Office of Freie Universität Berlin in Cairo

On 26 April 2010, Freie Universität celebrated the opening of its new liaison office in Cairo. Dr. Dorothea Rüland, Director of the Center for International Cooperation, welcomed senior representatives of the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (Vice Minister Prof. Maged El-Sherbiny and the Head of the Mission Department Prof. Mohamed G. Abou Ali) and senior representatives of universities and research institutes (among them the President of Helwan University Professor Mahmoud El Tayeb Nasser, the Prime founder of the German University in Cairo Professor Ashraf Mansour and the founder of SEKEM Group and laureat of the alternative nobel price, Professor Ibrahim Abouleish.

Many representatives of German and European institutions also followed the invitation and showed a high interest in this new office. Michael Bock, Ambassador of the Federal Republic to Egypt and Dr. Christian Hülshörster, the Head of the DAAD Cairo, congratulated Freie University to its initiative.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gudrun Krämer, Director of the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies at the Free University gave the evenings key note speech on the topic: "Shared Concerns: Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in Berlin".

Press articles

Press release of the FU (German)

Campus.leben (German)

Al-Ahram Al-Massai (Arabic)

Youm7.com (Arabic)

Al-Watan (Arabic)

Science Business (English)

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