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FU Berlin’s 1st Digital Proposal Writing Workshop for Social Scientists of the MENA region!

Oct 04, 2020

Over the course of three days on the 19th, 20th and 21st of July 2020 the Cairo Liaison Office organized and successfully concluded its first digital "Proposal Writing Workshop" for Social Scientists of the MENA region!

We all write occasionally, if not on a daily basis. Especially students, in the course of their studies, and afterwards, have to carry out so many writing assignments. However, writing an article or an academic research paper can be challenging and for some, it can be stressful. Good writing, especially for academic purposes, requires not only research and analytical skills, but also careful management of time and paying close attention to small details.

The workshop gave an overview on the essentials of proposal writing while giving the participants the chance to interact and have interesting discussions with the trainers and other participants from around the MENA region. The skills learned in this workshop included proposal writing as well as research design and can be applied to writing research papers, dissertations, projects and grants. Once again, our esteemed trainers will be Dr. Riham Bahi, Associate Prof. of Political Sciences at the Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University and Dr. Mustafa Abdalla, Research Associate at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin. 

Once again, the Workshop was co-instructed by Dr. Riham Bahi, Associate Prof. of Political Sciences at the Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University and Dr. Mustafa Abdalla, Research Associate at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin, who was joining the workshop from Berlin. .

Due to the reported success of this workshop and due to public demand the Cairo Liaison office is currently planning the next workshop. Stay tuned to our Facebook page to find out where we will be moving next time!
