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The Rising Star Programme of the Department of Biology Chemistry and Pharmacy

The Rising Star Programme for attracting junior research groups to the Department of Biology Chemistry and Pharmacy.

News from Feb 23, 2019

The aim hereby is to attract top-early-career-scientists (up to four years after completing their doctorate) to our department’s research groups.

The purpose is to integrate young scientists into the research activities of the host-working groups and into currently existing research networks (Collaborative Research Centres, BBIB Berlin-Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Research, PhD research groups, etc.), to let them participate as affiliated researchers in joint publications with scientists from Freie Universität, and to attract them to Freie Universität.

It is strongly advised that this support scheme is used to identify suitable candidates for future Tenure-Track-Professorships, applications for ERC Starting Grants and similar positions and activities.


This programme funds a ‘TVL FUB E13-position’ for two years. Up to five people will be sponsored. Furthermore, funding will be provided for:

  • Travel expenses (one-time payment up to 1500 €). The travel expenditure must be documented.
  • Grants for non-personnel-expenses up to 1000 € under the condition that the hosting professor provides an equal sum.

The funds must to be spent within 24 months of approval.


  • All scientists are eligible up to four years after completing their doctorate. The following documents must be submitted online:
    • Candidate’s CV with a list of publications
    • Project outline (with specific plans concerning the cooperation with Freie Universität)
    • Statements from two research groups in our department
  • Initially, the applicants need not identify the research group they wish to join. After approval by the faculty/department, the applicants will choose their research groups. Prior consultation and the approval of the chosen groups are obligatory.
  • Applications must be submitted to the BCP faculty’s dean by May 31 and by November 31, 2019.
  • The ‘Rising Star’ can be recruited nationally or from outside Germany. However, they should not have had any prior close relationship with Freie Universität. We are looking for new connections.
  • Former doctoral graduates and employees of Freie Universität cannot be considered.

Reporting Duty, Data

The supported scientist must submit an interim achievement report to the Dean’s office within 18 months of the beginning of the funding. The applicant and the research group agree to publish their programme-related data (for purposes such as press releases or advertising).

Further Information

Further information is available on the website of the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy.
