Deutsche Schule Hurghada won the first prize in mathematics at the Mathe-Adventskalender of Freie Universität Berlin!
News from Jan 26, 2012
The calculation and puzzling was profitable for the children of the fourth class of Deutsche Schule Hurghada!
With a 91% success rate, the students won the first place in the class game category of all participating schools in the non-German speaking countries.
The competition of Mathe-Adventkalenders was announced by the German Mathematicians Association of Freie Universität Berlin for the German school classes 4-6 at home and abroad. From 1 to 24 December each student solved a problem online.
The Deutsche Schule Hurghada students enjoyed the challenge and celebrated the award together with their class teacher, Ms. Melanie Hashem and the school principal Mr. Josef Klein-Hitpass .
Further Information about the winner of the individual game, the class play and special drawings can be found here: