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Master Intercultural Education. Apply now!

News from Mar 06, 2014

This postgraduate qualification in the area of intercultural pedagogy has been offered at the FU Berlin since the academic year 1999/2000. Each year we offer the opportunity to participate in a 12 months postgraduate course to 30 students from around the world.The course is designed for those who work in the educational sector, be it in schools or other institutions, who are interested in dealing with subjects related to intercultural pedagogics.

Lecturers with a broad scientific, practical and research background will be discussing and researching the following areas with you:

  • Intercultural and anti-racism education
  • Language training
  • International social work with children and adolescents
  • Migration, multicultural societies and globalisation
  • Mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion

In addition, you will receive an introduction to the application of new media. The programme combines theory, practical training and empirical research to cover the whole range of intercultural pedagogics.

Application Period: 15 February until 30 April

More information can be obtained here
