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Scholarship Program for Egyptian and Tunesian Students

News from Jul 21, 2011

The Heinrich Böll Foundation actively supports the democracy movements in Tunisia and Egypt. In a newly developed special programme, the scholarship department of the Foundation is offering, with the kind support of the Federal Foreign Office, scholarships to Tunisian and Egyptian students who want to study in Germany.

The International Scholarship Programme for Tunisian and Egyptian Students wants to give future leaders from Tunisia and Egypt the opportunity to get to know the German academic system and to actively engage themselves with the working areas of the Heinrich Böll Foundation (e.g. democracy and human rights, ecology/climate policy, international cooperation, gender, education policy...). Within the framework of our seminar programme, scholarship holders have an opportunity to network with other students from Germany and all over the world as well as with experts from the Foundation.

Application deadlines: 1 September 2011 and 1 March 2012

Start of the scholarship: from 1 January 2012 on or later – depending on receipt of the application (but not before the beginning of the study programme in Germany)

Duration of the scholarship: 6 – 24 months

Scholarship: 750.00 € / month plus an additional lump sum (e.g. for books and clothes) as well as, if applicable, family allowance, children’s allowance, and costs for a language course. By granting the scholarship, the scholarship department finances the stay in Germany as well as the travel costs to and from Germany. The scholarship does not include organisational services (e.g. support for finding accommodation etc.)

Target group: graduates from Tunisia and Egypt, all subjects

Application requirements:

  • applicants must have obtained a first degree at the time of application (e.g. a bachelor’s degree);
  • applicants must show proof of acceptance to a German university (‘Immatrikulationsbescheinigung’) by the start of the scholarship at the latest;
  • applicants must prove basic knowledge of German at the time of application (if a scholarship is granted, additional German courses can be financed);
  • the scholarship cannot be combined with a scholarship from another grant-making or public institution.

For more information on the scholarship program, please visit the website of Heinrich Böll Stiftung.

For study opportunities at Freie Universität Berlin please contact our office in Cairo.
