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New call of the Graduate School of North American Studies!

10 Doctoral Scholarships and 2 Postdoctoral Scholarships. Application Deadline: January 31, 2013

News from Dec 05, 2012

The Graduate School of North American Studies has been funded by the German Research Foundation since 2006.  The Graduate School aims at preparing highly qualified doctoral and postdoctoral researchers for scholarly careers in universities, research institutions and other science-related organizations.

Each year, ten excellent candidates are granted doctoral scholarships. From fall 2013 on, the Graduate School will also accept two candidates at the postdoctoral level. The Graduate School provides closely supervised doctoral and postdoctoral education as well as excellent theoretical and methodological research training within the fields of Cultural and Literary Studies, History, Political Science, Sociology, and Economics, while at the same time promoting interdisciplinary approaches and perspectives. The language of instruction is English.

The application deadline is January 31 each year.

Further informatin including the Application Materials could be obtained here->
