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New call of the German Egyptian Research Fund (GERF)

Deadline: 15.08.2018

News from Aug 07, 2018

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) are announcing the fifth call for the German Egyptian Research Fund (GERF).

The aim of this fifth joint announcement is to fund and support joint innovative, application-oriented research projects. Applicants are particularly encouraged to submit proposals in the following fields:

  • Agricultural Research and Natural Resource Management (including Water Resources, Food Production and Food Safety) 
  • Renewable Energy
  • Material Sciences and Engineering
  • Health Sciences
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Urban Planning (including Transportation resp. Traffic Planning and Management)

The announcement is open to researchers of all disciplines. Emphasis is given to joint projects including an interdisciplinary dimension and studying also the economic and social dimension of the aforementioned fields. 

Special emphasis is put on cooperation between different partners in the area of R&D, their scientific qualifications, and the participation of industry partners. For this reason, project consortia should, if possible, include universities, public authorities, R&D institutions and companies in charge of the commercial application of applied research results.                          
An important additional asset for research proposals is the participation of young researchers.

Deadline for Applications is 15.08.2018
Please find all further information on the application procedure and eligibility on the official call: GERF Call
