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Application process still open for the Arabic Summer Course in Cairo!

The application deadline of the Arabic Summer Course was extended to 16th June 2012.


News from May 21, 2012

The Center for Excellence in Studies and Research in German and Arabic as Foreign Languages of Ain Shams University (EZ-DAAF) offers this summer (September) in collaboration with Philipps Universität Marburg and the Liaison Office of Freie Universität Berlin in Cairo courses for German students in Arabic.

The courses are open to students of all disciplines and are adapted to the needs of those students who would like to get a good introduction into Egyptian Colloquial Arabic and improve their knowledge of Modern Standard Arabic.

Informations on course dates and prices can be found on the Application Form. More informations can be obtained here.

Please send your application before 16th June 2012 to:

Eman el-Mokadem

Tel.: +20 2273 62 923

Fax: +20 2273 57 961

E-Mail: cairo@zedat.fu-berlin.de


