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News from Sep 21, 2023
75 years of free thinking - Happy Birthday Freie Universität Berlin!
Dear Friends, Partners and Alumni of Freie Universität Berlin,
75 years Freie Universität Berlin; A period that spans over fifteen generations of students, innumerable research projects, young researchers, seasoned professors, famous guests, lecturers, employees and alumni as well as countless chance encounters on campus, dirt paths, detours, and new beginnings.
This year we have been and still are celebrating Freie Universität’s anniversary with many events – on campus, in online lectures and at sporting events. The entire university is participating in the celebration, with a variety of events being held over the course of the year. They will focus on what makes Freie Universität Berlin so special.
The campus is as multifaceted as the people who have spent or are spending a period of their lives here. We would like to show all of this and find out from you what your favorite place is, what you particularly appreciate about Freie Universität, and how your time here has shaped you. Take part! Click here for the questionnaire
But this edition of our newsletter is not only dedicated to announcing our anniversary celebrations but also to informing you about the various very valuable opportunities that you could apply for. Have a closer look and make sure not to miss any of them.
Enjoy reading and exploring as well as sharing the various opportunities!
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