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Open positions and grants at the FSGS & the EXC TC. Apply now!

The 2021 Call for Applications of the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies (FSGS) and the Cluster of Excellence 2020 "Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective" (EXC TC). Deadline is November 15, 2020.

News from Sep 23, 2020

For 2021, the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies (FSGS) and the Cluster of Excellence 2020 "Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective" (EXC TC) offer following positions and grants:

  • up to 3 project scholarships at the FSGS for the duration of 9 months
  • up to 5 positions for the duration of three to four years for graduate students working on their Ph.D.-thesis at the FSGS
  •  (subject to approval of funds) 2 DAAD grants for international students of German literature and culture for the duration of three to four years
  •  5 positions (research associate, E13 TV-L FU, 50%, 3 years)at EXC TC/ FSGS as members of the following projects:
  • 1 position (research associate, E13 TV-L FU, 50%, 3 years) at EXC TC/ FSGS or GSNAS in the context of one of the Research Areas 1-4 („individual project") EXCTC DOC RA0_2021

The detailed and legally binding calls for applications can be found on the page for Job Offers at Freie Universität Berlin (14 September 2020).
Applications must be submitted via the application platform of the Dahlem Research School. Applications submitted via mail, e-mail or in any other form will not be accepted.

The application deadline ends on 15 November 2020 at 23:59 CET.

The portal will still be open after this time and you can still make changes, but the "save and submit" button will disappear and no documents can be submitted or information changed. Please understand that we can only consider applications that are submitted via the online application portal by the deadline.

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