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Call: Research Stays for Research Alumni of Freie Unviersität, deadline: 31 March 2020

News from Feb 20, 2020

The Freie Universität Berlin Research Alumni Program is now offering new funding for research activities involving former visiting scholars (Research Alumni) and junior researchers in 2020-2021.

The program supports continued und intensified cooperation of Research Alumni and Freie Universität hosts after the completion of a research stay. To create sustainable networks, junior researchers from both sides are involved in the cooperation.

Funding will be provided for short-term research stays of Research Alumni at Freie Universität as well as of junior researchers on both sides at the home institution of the respective partner.

Applications for research stays between June 2020 and March 2021 are now being accepted until March 31, 2020.

For more information visit: www.fu-berlin.de/en/sites/alumni/internationales/forscher-alumni


Research Alumni are international researchers who have previously worked at Freie Universität as guest researchers and are now continuing their career in academia abroad.

With its Research Alumni Program, Freie Universität has intensified its outreach to former guest researchers in order to strengthen international research networks.

To ensure the sustainability of these networks, the program offers funding for junior researchers from the teams of Freie Universität hosts and Research Alumni.

The Freie Universität Research Alumni Program received awards from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in 2012, 2014, and 2016.

More information is available on the website of the Freie Universität Berlin Alumni Network.

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