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Call: German-Colombian Cooperation DFG and UNIANDES (submission at any time)

News from Aug 24, 2016

On the basis of the agreement signed in 2013 between the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and Universidad de los Andes (UNIANDES) in Colombia, researchers from Germany and UNIANDES can submit proposals for joint research projects in any field with immediate effect.

Joint project proposals for research grants lasting up to three years can be submitted at any time via the DFG’s elan portal. The eligibility requirements are governed in Germany by the DFG’s usual criteria and in Colombia by the guidelines of UNIANDES. Please see the current version of the Guidelines on the Research Grants Programme (DFG form 50.01) for more details on the proposal process. If this is your first proposal to the DFG, please note that you must register in the elan portal before you can submit your proposal. You will normally receive confirmation by the next working day. Proposals cannot be submitted without prior registration.

Only project proposals which are approved in both countries can be funded; unilateral funding is not possible. Please note that the DFG is not making special funds available for this cooperation.

Further information and contact details are available here.

Source: DFG

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