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Participation 7th German Universities Tour

Nov 21, 2013 - Nov 23, 2013
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Freie Universität Berlin at the DAAD Promotion Tour 2013

Get to know Freie Universität Berlin up close at the „Promotion Tour Brasil 2013“ organized by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).

Freie Universität Berlin participates in the Promotion Tour organized by the DAAD in São Paulo and Campinas. Students and researchers interested in studying in Germany can meet representatives of German Universities and inform themselves about study and research opportunities.

FU Berlin will participate in the following fairs:

Thursday, 21/11

11 a.m.-16 p.m.  

Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica (IMECC), Unicamp, Campinas

Friday, 22/11

15 p.m.-18 p.m.

Matchmaking para Doutorandos, Hotel Mercure Pinheiros. Registration

Saturday, 23/11

13 p.m.-19 p.m.

Feira „Estudar e Pesquisar na Alemanha“ (com palestras), Instituto Goethe, Rua Lisboa, 974, Pinheiros, São Paulo