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São Paulo Advanced School of Social Sciences

Mar 23, 2018 - Mar 29, 2018

The São Paulo Advanced School of Social Sciences will be held from 23rd to 29th March, 2018, at University of São Paulo. It is organized by the Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP, Brazil) and the Maria Sibylla Merian Centre in Humanities and Social Sciences Conviviality in Unequal Societies, funded by São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). 

Organized around the theme Dynamics of Contemporary Democratic Society, the Advanced School of Social Sciences will offer a concentrated, high level discussion on different dimensions of contemporary democratic societies with a multidisciplinary approach.

Further information: http://cebrap-spass.com/

New deadline for inscriptions: March 19th!

Time & Location

Mar 23, 2018 - Mar 29, 2018

Universidade de São Paulo