Brazilian Humboldt Kolleg 2016 “Environments: technoscience and its relation to sustainability, ethics, aesthetics, health and the human future”
The Brazilian Humboldt Kolleg 2016 titled "Environments: technoscience and its relation to sustainability, ethics, aesthetics, health and the human future" will promote a fruitful space and time for interaction of researchers once supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH), very prominent representatives from important Brazilian and German institutions, aiming at promoting relevant discussions on educational, scientific and technological challenges that Brazil faces nowadays, based on our successful Brazilian-German experiences. Moreover, it will also provide a welcoming environment for junior researchers seeking for opportunities to study in Germany.
The event was conceived as inter-, multi- and transdisciplinary event in order to aggregate Humboldtians, and interested ones, to get to know these researchers, to learn where they are, what they work on and how the Humboldt experience has impacted their lives and careers, including the cultural aspects.
There will be a session for announcing initiatives, for instance the study programs and fellowships available, presented by partner institutions such as the German Consulate, DAAD, DFG and AHK-SP. Considering this, we will be able to count on the valuable organisational support of the German House for Research and Innovation – São Paulo (DWIH-SP).
Prof. Dr. Klaus Lips, Department of Physics at Freie Universität Berlin and Institute Silicon Photovoltaics at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, will give a talk about "Looking for a needle in a haystack – ultra-sensitive in-operando detection and imaging of paramagnetic defects in silicon solar cells" on November 5, 2016.
Source: Clube Humboldt do Brasil
Time & Location
Nov 03, 2016 - Nov 05, 2016
CPqMAE, Federal University of São Carlos, SP, Brazil