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Rising Star - Junior Fellowship in the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy

Applications will be accepted by two deadlines per year. 

News from Dec 07, 2021

The Rising Star Fellowship Program of the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy seeks to attract outstanding early-career researchers who have completed their doctorates within the last four years - preferably from abroad.

An additional fellowship is reserved for persons from developing or transition countries in accordance with OECD (except PR China and India), whose applications we explicitly welcome.

The Fellowship Program is intended to forge new connections and to further interdisciplinary research. Research fellows may not have had any close relationship with Freie Universität. Former doctoral graduates and employees of Freie Universität cannot be considered. The fellowship is valued at 2,500 € per month for two years. Additional benefits for research costs, mobility, family members and health insurance are provided.

Applications will be accepted by the following deadlines:

  • May 31 (selection is expected to take place in July)
  • November 30 (selection is expected to take place in February)

More information on how to apply can be found here. 

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