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Online Workshop "Career Planning with Academic Portfolio"

Call for applications open until 10 September 2020.

News from Aug 05, 2020

This online workshop will take place on Wednesday, 7 October 2020 and is aimed at AiS mentees who intend to pursue an academic career in the Social Sciences and Humanities or in the Natural Sciences.

In many countries, an Academic Portfolio is indispensable for job applications in the academic sector, both for short-term postdoc positions immediately after the PhD and for (tenure-track) professorial positions. Moreover, it can be used not only for university job applications, but also for strategic career planning and general career orientation.

An Academic Portfolio provides an opportunity to detail professional experiences in teaching, research, and academic administration and service. It is a summary of major activities and accomplishments, documenting the nature and extent of one’s contributions and achievements. Yet, it provides more than “just” a list of accomplishments that reduces a person to a collection of impersonal data and does not tell anything about the real person (personality, way of thinking, professional behavior and mindset, ambition, personal skills, soft skills, etc.). An Academic Portfolio creates a narrative, which allows you to stand out as an individual and to distinguish you from others.

The workshop will provide the necessary information and practical guidelines for successfully assembling a personal Academic Portfolio to be used for both career planning and job applications.

To apply, please send to AiS your most recent academic CV and a short letter of motivation (max. 250 words), indicating your current career stage, professional goals and how you expect this workshop to help your professional development. Applications should be sent in PDF format to ais@fu-berlin.de with a subject line: Application – Online Workshop "Career Planning with Academic Portfolio".

Applications are accepted until 10 September 2020.

Sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research