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Call for Applications: Einstein Guest Researchers and Einstein Junior Scholars to foster academic freedom

Applications can be submitted until March 31, 2021.

News from Mar 01, 2021

We would like to draw your attention to the reopening of the programmes "Einstein Junior Scholars" and "Einstein Guest Researchers" as part of the Einsteins Foundation's effort to promote academic freedom. The programmes enable international researchers and scientists who are experiencing constraints in their work to come to Berlin for two years to pursue their research without undue restrictions or threats. First and foremost, the programmes are intended to support scientists and researchers from regions of conflict. Furthermore, they are directed at researchers and scientists from regions that experience subtle or direct restrictions of academic freedom, and who look for opportunities to return, migrate or cooperate with countries offering a work environment free of constraints.

Both programmes combine and are based upon existing and well-proven funding schemes of the Einstein Foundation, with the exception that the funding period is limited to a maximum of two years. Funding for the scientist/researcher can be requested in the form of a scholarship – depending on the academic career level and regulation of the university, however, maximally to the amount of 2,100 € per month without financing of additional costs – or in the form of a position paid, in general, equivalent to TV-L E 13. In addition, other project-related funds can be applied for (up to 15,000 € for the entire funding period). In the case of five or more individual grantees who form or work in a thematically homogenous research group the additional 15,000 € per grantee can be pooled to fund a coordinating position to facilitate the integration of and network among the grant holders. Both programmes also allow to seek subsequent funding in cases where the candidate have already received support through the Philipp-Schwartz-Initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation as long as the grantees do not exceed the four-year limit.

Please note that the application must be submitted via the eligible universities, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Universität der Künste Berlin and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Aside from justifying the choice for the proposed candidate, the applications should illustrate the potential candidate’s contribution to the strategic development of Berlin as a research location. A re-application is only permitted in exceptional cases.

Further information can be found here.

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