Call for Papers: Workshop "The Relationship between State and Religion in the Arab and Islamicate Contexts"
Workshop organized by AiS members at Leipzig University, 9–10 December 2021.
News from Jun 01, 2021
The workshop aims at understanding the concepts of ‘civil state’, ‘secular state’ and ‘religious/Islamic state’ and their relation to (the concept/ideal of) democracy in Arab and Islamicate contexts. It starts from a political and philosophical perspective and addresses from there normative and descriptive questions concerning the actual and/or potential forms of the relationship between (democratic) state and/or politics and religion.
The workshop will be held in English. Costs for travel and accommodation (2 nights) will be covered. In the event of travel restrictions due to coronavirus, the workshop will be held in a hybrid format, allowing for virtual participation.
Find the official call and more information about the application process here.