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AiS Online Workshop "How to be an effective Mentor"

Call for expression of interest open until 31 August 2020.

News from Jul 08, 2020

On Thursday, 8 October 2020, Academics in Solidarity will organize a half-day Online Workshop "How to be an effective mentor - the challenges and rewards of mentoring at-risk scholars".

Taking on mentorship of an at-risk scholar can be extremely rewarding, as it offers the chance to share own experiences, reflect on personal career path, and receive new impulses for the future. Simultaneously, it may be challenging with respect to a set of issues, including expectation management and intercultural aspects of communication. Mentors often realize that they could benefit from further training and/or coaching in professional mentoring – e.g. specific conversation techniques, feedback methods, etc. – and exchange of experiences with peer mentors. This workshop aims to provide such an opportunity for coaching and peer-exchange. 

We invite expressions of interest in participation from registered AiS mentors and host professors of the Philipp Schwartz-Initiative (PSI) by 31 August 2020. To express your interest, please send a short email to ais@fu-berlin.de, indicating your current position and institutional affiliation, mentoring status with AiS and/or role as a host professor with the PSI.

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