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Online Workshop for Junior Scholars

Academics in Solidarity supported an online Networking and Mentoring Workshop in the Humanities and Social Sciences for at-risk PhD candidates.

Online Workshop

Online Workshop
Image Credit: Barnimages

The workshop was organized by AiS mentor PD Dr. Markus Dreßler at Leipzig University on 14 May 2020. Nine junior scholars had an opportunity to present and discuss their PhD projects with peers and experienced scholars. A group of senior academics from the fields of Sociology, Cultural Studies, History, Political Science, Religious Studies, Islamic Studies, Gender and Media Studies offered their feedback and career advice. The program of the workshop can be found here

The workshop was made possible through joint support by Academics in Solidarity, the Philipp Schwartz-Initiative, Leipzig University, as well as the Heisenberg-Program and the Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies "Multiple Secularities – Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities" funded by the German Research Foundation.

Sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research