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How It All Began: Stanislaw Kubicki

Stanislaw Karol Kubicki, the first student to enroll at Freie Universität.

Stanislaw Karol Kubicki, the first student to enroll at Freie Universität.
Image Credit: Bernd Wannenmacher

It is a story of confusion, adventure, and politics. It can be told using the heavily laden words truth, justice, and freedom. It is the story of an encircled city, cut off from the rest of the world; it is the story of a university that shouldn't be there. Walter Ulbricht appears in it, along with the American military and Ernst Reuter.

The story can also be told differently, very quietly. This version begins with a medical student tossing a coin. The student is Stanislaw Karol Kubicki…

Link to the complete article (in English)



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