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Persuasion, explanation & negotiation - An essential communications toolkit for researchers

TypeTwo-day course
InstructorRob Thompson
Number of Places10
There are vacanciesnein
StartMar 11, 2010
endMar 12, 2010

9:00-17:00 h

Student Profile

Doctoral candidates and postdocs within the Dahlem Research School


Course Description


By its very nature, modern science is hugely collaborative. Good communication skills are essential if you wish to succeed. Good communication ensures minimal waste of time and resources and is essential to the smooth running of and participation in any team both in science and industry.



The workshop draws on the personal experience of all participants as well as that of the trainer, thereby ensuring that the training is specific for and relevant to the participants’ individual needs. The workshop will be a structured discussion forum to facilitate ideas and develop strategies. The workshop will be very interactive. Expect to be asked lots of questions, expect to be challenged, expect to participate!



This workshop includes techniques to help attendees to persuade effectively, avoid conflict and negotiate successfully. 

  • The essentials of successful negotiation.
  • How to effectively persuade others.
  • Voicing criticism constructively and without offence
  • Differences in gender and cultural styles
  • Non-verbal aspect of communication
  • Resolving conflict and dealing with poor communicators



Rob Thompson, RTTA