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Two Deutschlandstipendium scholarships financed through crowdfunding

Der Grundstein für das zweite Stipendium wurde von der Berliner Sparkasse gelegt.

Der Grundstein für das zweite Stipendium wurde von der Berliner Sparkasse gelegt. Foto: Amin Akhtar
Image Credit: Amin Akhtar

Providing freedom for entrepreneurial engagement

Netzwerk Unternehmertum der Freien Universität is taking a new approach to fundraising for Deutschlandstipendium. Now, for the first time, two scholarships have been financed through crowdfunding. Via the chariteam donation platform, donors were able to contribute to a scholarship for entrepreneurially engaged students at amounts of as little as 150 euros. The program provides one year of support at 300 euros per month, half of it financed by the German federal government. Collection of donations for the first crowdfunded scholarship was concluded at the organization’s summer celebration. The remaining amount, just 400 euros, was collected from the guests the evening of the celebration. Berliner Sparkasse contributed an additional 400 euros, laying the groundwork for the second scholarship.


Heartfelt thanks go out to our supporters and anonymous donors alike for their contributions to our crowdfunding campaigns:          

Berliner Sparkasse

de vivanco consulting international

Erfolgscoaching Scheel

Hultgren Nachhaltigkeitsberatung

Neumann + Dickersbach Rechtsanwälte

Folker Schmidt